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HuMax HCT / REF 15500


REF 15500

Hematocrit and microliter benchtop centrifuge
Measure hematocrit with the gold standard method. Fast, easy and reliable. The programmable microprocessor controlled system is equipped with a maintanance-free brushless induction motor and is delivered with a 24 single segment rotor for hematocrit capillaries.

  • Digital display
  • Optional: fixed-angle rotor
    (speed/RCF 14,000 rmp/18,624 x g, capacity 24 x 2 ml)
Rotors / Speed | Hematocrit rotor / 12,000 rpm
RCF | 13,620
Capacity | 24 x capillary tubes
Timer | 0.5-99 min + hold position
Lid Lock | Double