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Ultrasound VINNO G65


Designed For High Expectations
VINNO G65 has been designed for high expectations to deliver superior image quality in an affordable premium series. In order to achieve this goal, we provide all users the ideal model that inherits sophisticated image processing technologies and smart solution design from the VLucid platform, which will deliver exquisite image quality, advanced intellectual tools (Al) and efficient workflow for a wide range of applications

Excellent penetration
Featuring high-performance hardware architecture,G65 delivers the extraordinary image quality with great clarity, superior consistency and excellent penetration

Superior resolution
up to 25MHz high resolution system capability, adding more than 30% of wide band frequencies to improve resolution and sensitivity for better diagnosis

Sophisticated blood flow sensitivity
The increased color Doppler processing helps to provide more diagnostic confidence with improved blood flow detection and enhanced color performance

VLuminous Flow
An innovative color flow technology which enhances blood flow visualization and provide an impression of 3D-like flow display

probe's VINNO G65 : 
 | V20036 : S2-9C  Convex Probe 
 | V20002 : X2-6C  Convex Probe 
 | V20001 : G2-5C  Convex Probe 
 | V20003 : D3-6C  Convex Probe 
 | V20005 : G4-9E  Endocavity Probe 
 | V20049 : X4-9E (Straight handle)  Endocavity Probe 
 | V20032 : X4-9E (crank)
 | V20006 : D4-9E  Endocavity Probe 
 | V20007 : G4-9M / MicroConvexx 
 | V20038 : X3-10L  Linear Probe 
 | V20008 : X4-12L  Linear Probe 
 | V20009 : X6-16L  Linear Probe 
 | V20011 : U5-15LE  
 | V20012 : I4-11T
 | V20023 : X9-22L  Linear Probe 
 | V20052 : G1-4P  Phase Array 
 | V20048 : S1-6P  Phase Array 
 | V20031 : G3-10PX